Samagra Gyan is an International e-journal and peer-reviewed which gives a reflective platform to students, researchers, and academicians across the world; willing to contribute the quality research papers in all possible discipline. The journal, resultantly, determined to publish the well-examined and articulated research papers and scholarly thoughts in form of writings, book-review, interviews of distinguish personalities of academia or, perhaps from the literary world.

Samagra Gyan, is multidisciplinary in nature and open access to all who published monthly in bi-lingual mode. Research papers from all distinct areas in literature, short-essays, book-reviews, translated works, and lectures etc. are entertained in this journal. We accept submission from all significant fields, covering all themes and genres, such as Education, Economics, Computer Science, Geography, Social science, Management, Historical excursion,Subaltern studies, and many more. We accept papers from all faculty members, students, scholars, researchers & academicians across the world.

We appreciate papers and author’s submission with significant empirical studies where we strictly in favor of non-plagiarized papers which fulfil the standard measures as per our norms. All the submission should be original and unpublished; any sort of research violation shall not be entertained and thereby rejected and send back to the authors. We, therefore, hoped that this journal will prove its worth in creating a milestone in shaping the career of emerging scholars and researchers. It will, thereby, inspire the minds and cudgel the brains of the erudite people as well through its innovative thoughts, critical insights, and empirical findings.