A survey was conducted to examine the online library and information science services provided by academic libraries.
Author(s): Kriti SoodAbstract
ICT is a useful resource in modern libraries and information centres since it enables users to generate electronic records retrieve information and connect via diverse online and mobile networks. This bundle includes software services and networking features that enable users to access digital information. Timely access to precise and convenient information in the suitable format is essential for promoting user development and supporting the execution of more informed tasks. One of the developments in information and communication technology is the use of procedures and tools that make it easier to access different sorts of information and organise it. This includes tasks such as storing searching uploading and retrieving information. Computer networks use many technical tools such as spreadsheets databases software design programming languages artificial intelligence and methodologies. Although ICT has been seen as essential to the modern era from its early days libraries have witnessed the emergence of new applications for the technology they already use. This essay will analyse the significance of Internet-based library services in higher education institutions and provide a concise summary of these services.