Section Article

Addressing poverty ensuring food security and implementing development goals post-2015
Author(s): Vipin Procha

This study explores the relationship between reducing poverty and ensuring access to sufficient food within the context of the global development objectives set after 2015. Since the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) there has been a renewed emphasis on eliminating poverty and guaranteeing food security as fundamental aspects of sustainable development. This research offers a thorough examination of the impact of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) specifically Goal 1 (No Poverty) and Goal 2 (Zero Hunger) on both domestic and international policies that strive to enhance living circumstances and provide sufficient access to nourishment. The research examines policy implementations program achievements and statistical data from different countries to emphasise the advancements achieved ongoing obstacles and the interconnections between poverty reduction and food security activities. Additionally it examines the significance of global collaboration advancements in technology and community-led strategies in attaining these objectives. The results emphasise the need of comprehensive approaches that tackle poverty and food insecurity together highlighting the significance of all-encompassing and inclusive policy frameworks in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).