Section Article

Automating Libraries: The Fundamental Principles
Author(s): Sakshi Mann

This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the following points: • Updated criteria for library computerization • Escalating expenses for information and diminishing space allotments • Strategies for enhancing library financing • Increasing costs of printed and digital materials • Collaborative utilisation of resources • Challenges and concerns related to library automation Methods for selecting appropriate software for library management Additionally this addresses the matter of ensuring that library resources and procedures remain up-to-date in response to environmental changes. ICT is essential for the seamless and effective operation of libraries. Robots reduce the amount of physical work eliminate wasteful repetition and decrease the reliance on human labour. This study will analyse the core principles of automation and the increasing significance of library management software in this domain. In addition we will discuss the essential procedures for automating a library including its design function advantages drawbacks benefits aims precautions and utilisation of open source software.