Section Article

The Impact of Globalization on Hinduism
Author(s): Narendra Kaushik

The process of globalisation has had a significant impact on several areas of cultures and faiths worldwide including Hinduism. This study explores the many effects of Globalisation on Hinduism emphasising the significant changes and adjustments that have occurred within the faith. The process of globalisation has enabled the dissemination of Hindu practices and ideas worldwide resulting in a substantial diaspora that has both conserved and adapted traditional Hindu customs. It has facilitated a more extensive interchange of religious and cultural ideas resulting in the amalgamation of practices and beliefs. Furthermore the impact of Globalisation on Hinduism may be seen via its effect on media technology and foreign engagements which have led to the emergence of new religious groups and a reassessment of conventional customs. This research examines the dynamics of how Globalisation has posed challenges and brought benefits to Hinduism. It also provides insights into the future direction of this ancient religion in a fast evolving world.