The Role of Education in Social Mobility: A Comparative Study
Author(s): Rishabh KumarAbstract
Education is often considered a crucial catalyst for social mobility offering people the means to enhance their socioeconomic standing. This comparative research analyses the correlation between education systems and social mobility in several nations emphasising the impact of access to quality education financing strategies and social policies on upward mobility. The study examines how education either alleviates or exacerbates existing socioeconomic disparities by using both quantitative data and case studies from industrialised and developing countries. The results indicate that while education may function as a significant instrument for upward mobility inequalities in access and quality—especially for marginalised populations—impede its capacity to act as a genuine equaliser. Furthermore the research delineates essential policy initiatives including early childhood education fair financing and affirmative action programs that have had beneficial effects in enhancing mobility. The study emphasises the need for ongoing changes to establish more inclusive educational institutions that may promote enduring socioeconomic transformation.